Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The best and the best best

The days are getting longer on this side of the world!
I just got back from a short “circ-out” on the roof (see earlier post to understand what in the world it means to circ-out). After tiring myself out, I lay on the roof and peered at the clear blue sky above me.
Not one cloud.
I realized, right then, that the sky exactly explained my mind. At that moment my mind was completely unclouded. I had no worries. I only thought about how there were no clouds. I couldn’t think about anything. I was completely at peace; flat on my back, on the dirty roof, in my workout clothes that hadn’t been washed in a week. And when I finally snapped back to reality… I realized the sun had set and the roof light was dimly lit.
A trip like this will make you feel a lot of things. So many emotions run through my mind each day. If I tried to explain I’m sure my post would end as one gooey mess.
Today was a fantastic day… filled with the BEST snack, followed by the BEST, BEST snack. I promise to get back to these items later. Apart from the food today, the hospital also shared some cool moments with us. Those of you who follow me on Snapchat know that I have been volunteering in surgical ward or “theater” as Mt. Meru Regional Hospital calls it.
Monday: fracture clinic
           This is where patients come when they have suffered broken bones (DUH). But, at Mt. Meru this doesn’t normally consist of hairline fractures. For example, the first patient we saw suffered a spiral fracture of the fibula, and displaced tibial fracture with butterfly segment (floating bone). 
He couldn’t afford to pay for the surgery to undergo open reduction internal fixation (ORIF). But, the motto at Mt. Meru is: do what you can with what you have. The boy had to make due with a simple plaster cast.
Tuesday: theater
            We came to the hospital dressed in normal clothes, and changed into our sterile scrubs upon arrival. We were required to wear a face mask, and hair protector. This time we weren’t given a ripped piece of cloth, although we were told to re-use the sterile hair cap. We then stood in on two surgeries.
O.R. one 10:00a: Appendectomy, peritoneal lavage (Latin for wash-out)
O.R. two 10:45a: relocation of dislocated hip including a drilled in metal rod through the femoral head into the acetabulum.
Do you see the broken bone in the pelvis? 
Wednesday: theater
            We started the morning the same, but today the surgeries came from the OBS and GYN ward.
O.R. one 10:30a: Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
O.R. two 11:30a: Hysterectomy “     
After the uterus was removed from the second woman Heather and I were allowed to hold the scared uterus. We even noticed scar tissue from where the woman had a cesarean section!
It is also interesting to note that prior these procedures we were able to witness the different anesthetics these patients underwent. We looked on as few went completely under via propofol or ketamine, and others underwent spinal injections. It was extremely interesting to watch as the anesthesiologist monitored the vitals, making sure the values stayed within acceptable range.
After the hospital today, we went to the pharmacy to place another donation order. I will have more information about this later. I CAN’T WAIT TO TELL YOU GUYS ALL ABOUT WHAT WE ORDERED… for now, I will keep you guys on your toes.  XO
After the pharmacy I attempted to take Heather and Ben to a fabulous, local store where Masai blankets are bought dirt cheap. Along the way we stumbled into a shop know as, “Arusha Fancy Store.” Here (hapa) we found Masai blankets for cheap, at an even better quality. They also lead me to a place where I could purchase Kangas, which I have been looking for. We found the shop and I purchased a couple. After being overwhelmed by the mass amount of people swarming the market where I found the Kangas, we left and headed for Muzugu territory: Afrcicafe. We sipped on our routine coffees before heading home.
OH MY GOD. I forgot to mention the snacks…
BEST snack: Half cake
            This is a snack made from rice flour. It is a bit oily but just the right amount of sweet. The best way I can describe it is as a flaky pastry on the outside and a thick, full, yummy bun on the inside. I love bread, and I love plain… so basically this treat came right from heaven and into my hands for the small fee of 10 American cents.
BEST BEST snack: Fruit Salad
            This isn’t your normal fruit salad. This is a salad made by a local juice shop. The contents include bits of pineapple, watermelon, and banana. Heather and I scooped up this winning treat on the way to the pharmacy today. We fell so deep in love, that we nearly missed our destination. I did snap a photo… although this was near the end of the cup… Can you blame us? It was nearly impossible not to keep dipping into the cup for more. 
To say today was a good day would be more than an understatement. Miss you all, XO!

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