Thursday, August 7, 2014


I am beginning to write more often as I realize that I will be gone in a short 12 days. It is so hard for me to believe that I have been here in Arusha for over a month.
I have met some very influential friends on this trip. The people I have lived with during my time here are all unique. We all share our own individual passions, goals, and opinions. It’s the differences between us, though, has enabled me to view certain aspects of life on a different level. Last night Ben pulled up a video of a famous Australian comedian, Tim Minchin. In this clip Tim talks about “9 life lessons”. As I sat on the couch last night, frozen in silence in attempt to hear the video through dull phone speakers, I was moved by what Tim was saying. I agree with all 9. But, the most moving lesson in my opinion was number 3; “It’s all luck, you are all lucky to be here.”
Since I have been here in Arusha I have seen evidence of this first hand. In America it would be hard for me to believe that I am luckier than the bum I pass each morning on my bike ride to school. But, after seeing a slew of unfortunate people for the past month, I can’t help but to feel lucky for the things I looked past before. I am lucky to be healthy. I am lucky to have two parents who love me dearly. I am lucky to have shoes.
Do you believe in luck? Or, do you believe you simply worked harder than the 19 year-old that lost his battle to AIDs this morning. 
I don’t mean to change your opinion, or make you feel sympathy. I'm not worried about why you feel you are living the life you live. Instead, I ask that you make an effort to become more aware of how lucky you are.
Be thankful. 
For the big, the small, and even what you don’t think about… like the musical beat of your heart in your chest.
XO miss you all
I hope you all know, I am thankful for you. The most sincere card on this side of Africa.
Credit: pediatric ward.

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