Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Habari ya asubuhi! (good morning)
All of you from back home know about my passion for running, which leads me to this post of my VERY FIRST run in Africa. Today marks my 8Th day here. I cannot believe I made it this long without a run. Don’t worry my co-medical volunteers would be the first to know if I lost my pulse.
I reluctantly got out of bed at 6:55a.
Arusha has predictable weather, beginning with a “spitting” rain in the morning, finishing with a sunny afternoon and African red sunset. That being said my friend Ben and I were left to run in the cloudy/rainy weather. I really enjoy rain runs and promised Ben, “it will be great!”
My run began in boxers. I did my wash yesterday (by hand) and all my running clothes were hanging on clothing lines of the roof adjacent to our apartment building (our roof lines get pretty full). It was a fun start as I undressed on the roof into my running attire in a hurry!
Our run was strictly on the sidewalks of the busy street roads to ensure safety. There was a mix of emotions on people’s faces as they saw two "muzungu's" pass by them. Some smiley, others upset, and most were left confused. In America it is so common to see the early morning exerciser, especially in Colorado. In Arusha the people up at 7a are little ones going to school in their uniforms, and the common man and woman heading to work in the city square.
I made an effort to wave and smile at people as we passed. 
P.S. Muzungu is a name often called out to the other white students and I and we were told it meant, "white person." According to Urban Dictionary it directly translates into, "Someone who roams around aimlessly"
I guess that was an appropriate term for Ben and I this morning… 

Okay, enough of the run talk; I have GOT to get ready for the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if they thought you were running away from someone or something...
